Monday, September 28, 2015

Friday, September 25, 2015

we had to do inventory to make sure we have all the pieces and stuff we need for the robot,. yes we started building the frame part for the wheels. the steps were very hard i had too start over i dont because my partner didnt know how to do anything and she was being aggravating. i can better by getting a new partner. robotics is to teach us how too make robots and its for a college credits, and u have too get a c or better in the class or u fail.
1.  What i like about the autumn months is in September my favorite thing is football because i love to watch foot ball and just sit back and chill with my family,  we are all sports head and we are getting to know about all the players because the season is just starting. And i like to celebrate memorial day that's also in September. because u get to spend time  with family members u have not  seen in along time. and also in November my Grandad birthday is in november so i have to celebrate that buy buying gifts and spending more time. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

my song is slave master by future . this song is going to connect with me because chorus of the song says jump out a new whip nigga i'm feeling way better. and because when i get older i'm gone be jumping out a new whip and i'm gone be feeling good why i'm doing it. and another part he said , got a 2 door coupe wit all my niggas in it. and i'm getting a 2 door truck and all my niggas gone be in it but that's why i really mess with that song.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Pick three of the images and write your thoughts on them.  How do they make you feel?  What was your initial reaction seeing the image?  What was your reaction after reading what was happening in each picture?  

How do these stories relate directly to you, if at all?  What can these pictures show us about ourselves as humans?  How can we use this pictures as learning experiences?

Finally, what could you, personally, do to make the world a better place?

Vietnam Photographer's Return  VIETNAM ARCHIVAL 220

My thoughts of this image is that there is kids that looks like they are running and being tortured  and none of them has shoes on and it looks cold and  2 of the kids are naked and it looks like there are army men that is behind them. they make me feel sad like they have no parents or that no one loves them.

Mideast The Debate in Islam

My thought of this image is that it looks like there is a person with a blanket over them and a bag over there head  and they looks like they are about too be hung or electricuted. it makes me feel like someone is about too get killed for no reason because i don't no the reason they are getting tortured or electricuted and are about too be killed.

Oka Crisis Anniversary 20150707

My thoughts of this picture is that there are to men in each other face , and it looks like they are in the army or at a death camp or something. and i think one of them are a sergeant  and one of them is a cadet and the cadet looks like he is being hallered at, or being told too do somethin.

My reaction was that i feel bad for all these people in the picture, and that it seems like all of the pictures can relate.

This picture does not relate to me at all, but this pic can explain to us that we need to stand up for are rights.

we can use this pic as a learning expierence. people will see this picture and they will probally  make a change and start standing up for there selves and make our country,city,and state a better place.

i can make the world a better place by trying too make a change, like keeping our city clean and have people get good jobs and make people able too do things that want too do.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Hello my name is Darreon this is my first year here at Design lab i came from CollinWood high school. i hope too be a billionare and have a great education and go to college. my favorite movie is ride along and my  mother and my dad and school matters the most too me.